
Rare Meal



5 Years
03-16-2014, 06:11 PM

One question out of them all caught Raisa off guard. What made her worth loyalty? Perhaps it would sound arrogant, but she had never had to explain it before. People saw her and just... knew. Her mother had always told her that it was her subject's duty to be loyal, but ever since coming to Alacritis she had begun to wonder if perhaps it was something more. Now that the ex-queen had to put her mind to it, she found the verbal answer was not as easy to express as the feeling in her heart. "I suppose I am worth loyalty," she began, her voice quiet and somber, "because I know the value of a life. So many leaders take their followers for granted, and abuse them." Her mind wandered back to her homeland, far over the horizon. The Azarov family, who had taken the Xanilov's place, were known to be cruel and heartless. She was certain that her friends and allies that remained were receiving the worst of it all. At least she was safe, this far away. She looked back to Isabella and caught her eye, hoping to put forth at least a fraction of what she felt inside. "I would never hold someone at my side who did not wish to be there, and I would never expect someone to lay their life down for me if I would not do the same for them. They are my subjects in name, but my companions in truth. They're my friends." It might not have been said in the eloquent guise of a queen, but the words were true, and she hoped it was what Isabella wanted to hear.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!