
Let it get thrown down


03-16-2014, 07:19 PM

Always he had been a man of few words, generally hating the company of others and avoiding them at all costs but today had been different. He wanted to fight, wanted to draw blood and feel his one flesh part beneath the jaws of another. That was what he would get. Kylar was more then used to facing smaller opponents, having them dart too and fro around him in an attempt to get him to move but Kylar preferred close quarters, preferred shoving his body weight around. That was why he let the little pest make the first move, hunkering down like an unmovable boulder rather then wasting his energy chasing and running. He was built for strength not speed. Shoulders rolled languidly, keeping himself loose and preparing for an attack. It came quickly enough, the unknown man darting straight at him and for the first time in a long time he smiled. Right forepaw would drag backwards to lower himself the tiniest bit, ready to push himself forward and upwards onward the males jugular if he was decided to go with a direct attack. But instead he darted right, slipping as quickly as his still large body size would allow to the beasts side. Sickly green eyes followed him and for a moment it felt like everything slowed. Stomach tucked quickly, weight shifting so hot breath would cascade down on his scruff lower scruff rather then the muscles on his shoulder. Fangs dug in hard to loose flesh and blood flowed freely. A forepaw from the male was lashing out but Kylar was already moving and the males paw scratched along his to cage rather then kicking his leg out from beneath him. Massive beast was stepping forward and to his left so body began to curl around the male. Left paw came to push against the males left, attempting to shove his shoulder against the blue males. First he would try and push the male off balance enough to stop his retreat or maybe even throw him to the ground if he was lucky. Next his neck would scrunch and curl, looking to find a hold on the top of the blue males neck just above his shoulders in a similar place he had struck Kylar. Should he succeed in this hold he would try and force the male down with his heavier body weight. Tail was now tucked, protecting it from being grabbed, ears still pinned to skull and eyes remained narrowed. He was standing taller now to force this male's head up if he continued with his grip and if not then only presenting his shoulder and ribs for easy attack. Hackles remained raised, spine hunched and stomach tucked. Legs were loose to prove easy movement but stance remained splayed so his centre of gravity was stable.


ATTACKS Shifted his weight back so Etern's attack landed on his upper neck above his shoulders then stepped forward and around so he was arched around his attacker. Forced his weight upwards so that if Etern tried to keep his hold he would be stretched upwards then attempted to shove his left shoulder into Etern's left shoulder and throw him off balance or push him to the ground. Lastly he will arch his neck around and down to bring jaws on a downward attack towards Etern's neck on the top above his shoulders.

DEFENCES Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, neck arched and scrunched with jaws open to protect the underside of his upper throat. Back arched, stomach tucked, legs loose with stance wide so his weight is evenly distributed. Tail tucked to prevent it being grabbed.

INJURIES Bite wounds to flesh on his scruff above his shoulders, deep to the first layer of flesh but nothing substantial.
