
Rare Meal


03-16-2014, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2014, 07:34 PM by Isabella.)

Isabella noticed the change in Raisa, she was caught off guard for a moment and clearly had to think hard on a topic. Perhaps it was something she did not have to think of before and Isabella wasn't sure how to feel about that. In a way she felt proud, she was one to present a question to a royal they had not faced before but more importantly she was curious as to how Raisa would answer. Now she put all her focus on the Queen, this answer would be one she would want to hear. It would determine much between the two of them, how Isabella saw this wolf as just an acquaintance or possibly a friend, and if she would show any interest in joining the pack.

As Raisa spoke she took in everything, body language, voice, the look in the female's eye, she didn't want anything to get past her and wanted to remember everything that was said. Her first words weren't much of a surprise, any confident would see themselves worthy of loyalty, it would have been a dead lie if she said anything to the contrary. Yet there was something to her voice that got Isabella's attention that made her want to listen even more. Isabella did not take Raisa for an emotionless wolf but she did see her as a controlled wolf and this was not a side of her Isabella had seen as of yet. Something about her tone let Isabella know nothing dishonest wold be spoken now, only the truth.

Life, so Raisa thought as Isabella did and knew that life was valuable and something not to be abused. That was a very easy thing for a leader to do, power was something that corrupted deeply if one could not handle it. It was true that many leaders out there were corrupt and used those in the pack to do whatever was needed no matter the cost of life. It was clear Raisa knew this too, maybe even she had seen it first hand as Isabella did. She seemed to be reminiscing as she looked away or deep in thought and as she looked back it was clear she had a point she wanted to get across. The words were true, powerful honest and held something special within Raisa's own heart. Isabella nodded a slow and deep nod before looking up and speaking herself.

"I see, well then you know what power can do and the crimes those in power can get away with. You don't seem like the type to let power ever get to your head, you will own power and not let it own you." Pausing a very faint smile toyed at her lips. "Those spoke from your heart this is clear. A pack with ranks but where friendship comes over rank. Yes, I like that a lot. And a fellow wolf who sees that life is not something to ever be wasted or taken advantage of. I could see, mayhaps, you and me being friends in the future." There was a small change in Isabella's voice, it seemed softer if only a bit while her eyes seemed much softer in comparison and held a bit of respect in them. She liked what she heard, they were not just words to win her over they were the truth and she could respect that and someone who wanted to lead and hold those beliefs.

Friendship would not be won over right away, neither would full trust Isabella had too much caution for that. Yet as she said the future could hold friendship for the two of them though it would be a hard friendship no doubt, if Isabella remained a loner. "It would be unbecoming of an Alpha, a Queen to befriend a loner would it not? Though I give you no promise of joining your pack when it is formed I am interested. If I am ever in need of a home, I shall seek you out." All of the conversation went though Isabella's mind, power, royalty, sanctuary, a pack that will live on, loyalty, life. It sounded like a very good pack, a good home.

With her meal finished and her mind more than full she looked over to Alphonso. "Alphonso, I believe we have much to discuss. If you would." She said lowering her body to the ground. This was a great sign of trust to Raia, to lower her stance in front of another wolf. Alphonso gave a final nod to Koros and moved over to Isabella before scrambling up on her back. Standing once the gecko was settled Isabella turned to Raisa. "Well, I don't wish to be rude and leave so soon, but I must do some thinking both by myself and with Alphonso. I do hope to see you soon, and perhaps I will visit your pack once it is established. Farrell." With a nod Isabella turned and started toward the tall grass. "Bye!!! May we meet again no-longer-strangers!" Alponso called back with a laugh before Isabella sought a new path in the tall grass.

-Exit Isabella-

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."