
Rise to Power



5 Years
03-16-2014, 08:16 PM

Tendrils of mist caressed the lithe, slender female as she made her way through the forest. At last the call rang out. The call of fate. D?gmar moved with confident assurance to answer the call of her new alphess, Cataleya. After seasons of searching for the pack that would make her stronger she had at last found it and been accepted into it's fold. There was just one little setback? the ebony brute she'd seduced on the battlefield has left life inside of her. Life that was not meant to be there. A soft growl oozed from her throat. She hadn't even been in heat.

At the moment the signs of her pregnancy were subtle. Her sides bulged out just slightly, barely noticeable beneath her coat but she knew in time it would be obvious. She was not keeping them. The little rats would be slain as soon as they were expunged from her belly? unless of course the father wanted them. Which, in her understanding of males, was even more unlikely. While numbers were important to a young pack, strength was needed even more and D?gmar did not have the capacity to be a mother. It was well beyond her. She would tell Cataleya on a later date but she would not stop her training. If the whelps died in her belly from her training, so be it. They would not cost her her future, they would not deny her her fate.

She strolled into the so far small gathering of Cataleya and a young femme she did not recognize. "Fate has called and I have answered. Greetings again to you, Lady Cataleya."