
Make Your Move

Leon I


11 Years
03-26-2013, 09:45 PM

He would prepare himself as she did the same, limbs falling into line beneath him to provide for excellent balance. Ears tucked back protectively, and his eyes narrowed to thin - yet somehow comical - slits. His tail would wave out behind him until the time in which it needed to tuck, while his head would align itself parallel with his spine, elongating forward and craning down to protect his vitals. He knew there was no risk of an attack to his jugular in this battle, but one could never be too careful. Even a misaligned hit to that area could prove fatal. Their close proximity would allow the male very little time to react, but he was ever-prepared, half preferring the closeness over a larger playing field as he was used to. Close range fights like this were often very technical and focused, and would provide a lot of experience for the two warriors.

She sprung toward him. Her paw alignment gave her move away, and the slightly more experienced man shifted his weight back slightly to prepare himself. Jaws were ignored for the time being as he was more concerned with the grasp she was attempting to get around his neck. Should he let her succeed, she would surely keep her grip as long as possible. That could be deadly in a real fight. He liked close quarters, but not that close. As she neared him, jaws aiming for his left ear which was tucked protectively, and paws groping for his neck, Leon would allow her fangs to take their mark, glancing off of the side of his face very near his ear. Droplets of blood bubbled up to his flesh, trickling down the side of his face. They were few and far between, but very present. As more of his attention was focused upon her grabbing motion with her paws, Leon raised up slightly onto his back limbs and used his forepaws in attempt to block her advance. While he was doing so, his own fangs sought the right side of her face near her cheekbone. This area was heavily covered in fur, but he hoped to disturb it enough to make a slight impact.

Round 1 of 4

Attacks / Aiming to strike with his jaws on the right side of her face near her cheekbone.

Defenses / Eyes narrowed, ears tucked, tail flagged for balance, forelegs jutting out in front of him to keep her from being able to grasp his neck.

Injuries / Two small scratch marks on the side of his face just below his ear.
