
Make Me



5 Years
03-16-2014, 09:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was strange just how quickly Callisto found herself alone. It had started with her mother, who she had always supposed had returned to Ludicael to find the woman that she thought so highly of. Then her brother, who she suspected had talked himself into a fight he could not retreat from. Circe and her father had stayed around the longest, but illness had dragged her father away and then her sister seemed to have gotten lost after they had left Tortuga together. Alone did not feel like the correct kind of state for her to be in. Her whole life it had felt like she had striven for her own quiet space, isolation from others, and a place where she could have room for herself and herself alone. Now that she had it she hardly knew what to do with herself. What was the point of gathering plants if there was no one to keep it secret from? What was the point of slinking around if there was no one to bother her when she was out in the open?

Without someone to hold her in one place and no ties anywhere, the grey and black youth had taken to wandering, drifting further from the north and the place she had once called home - twice - in search of something different. The north was such a cold and callous land that the draw of the plants and herbs of its neighboring territories attracted her attention, and having once lived in the east she trekked back to semi-familiar landscapes that covered that area. There was no land that she found immediately identifiable - she saw no point in going back to Ludicael simply because she was lonely - so she let her nose lead her, following scents of plants and learning where they could be found.

Rather than stumble upon a plant scent this time of afternoon, sunlight streaming through the trees in accented by intervals of long shadows, Callisto found herself suddenly stopped by the scent of a wolf. Her grey paws were still as her keen nose continued to scent the air, her brow wrinkling ever so slightly. A pack? She waited for the typical rise of rebellion and urge to flee that usually arrived with such realizations, but surprisingly it was scarce. Odd. Was this another product of being alone, of having no one that she could complain about to herself? Maybe she would have to change that.

Though a part of her was sorely tempted to cross the border and walk just inside of it - to really give the pack means to come and address her behavior - she instead took to walking alongside it, peeking within the boundary considering nothing of worthwhile use would be growing upon such stones and inhospitable terrain. Silvery blue eyes were blank but intent, her expressionless face turned toward the territory as she paced needlessly beside it, tempting and daring those wolves who called this place home to find her and tell her to leave.

Image by Maka.