

Eirik I


3 Years
03-16-2014, 10:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had hardly gotten more than a few feet before he heard the sound of something nearby. It was faint at first, followed by a small space of silence, and then it repeated again but louder than the time before. And incredibly close. With it came the sense of being watched, of someone suddenly being behind him, and while the fur upon the back of his neck bristled he held still, listening as a smooth voice spoke out to him, his ears turning upon his head to listen to the stranger. That was not a normal voice. There was something distinctly off about it, something that made his skin crawl in ways that not even a stern look from his mother could do.

Was he in trouble here too?

Before he had a chance to turn and take in the appearance of the figure behind him, he felt a weight upon his back. His burly little frame shuddered once beneath the foreign touch, skin prickling in the places that the claws touched, and his heart began to race. His parents did not have paws like this. He had been pawed at before by his father, and it had never felt like that. This was wrong. This was not good for him at all. Instinct told him to run, but even as he shifted a little he could feel the tug of those claws against his skin, daring him to move further and shred himself in the process. No, he was stuck at the hands of this strange creature who was not a wolf. But that did not mean he was entirely defenseless.

His fur bristled more as he dared to growl, his childish threat hardly impressive if not for the fact he had been able to muster it at all. "Let me go," he argued, turning his muzzle slightly as he drew back his lip and bared what little fang he did have at the unknown cat who held him in place. "My dad roams this place. You'll be sorry if he finds you." An empty threat in every sense, but he spoke boldly, not wanting the creature to read through his bluff too easily and hoping that it might have at least a little positive effect to his benefit.

image by Luisiana