
Mid-Morning Drink



03-17-2014, 12:02 AM

While completely overrun with canines, there was no denying that these lands held a certain sort of appeal to the cat. They were plentiful even if they were heavily populated with wolves, and while she was in no way eager to cross paths with them she saw no reason for them to get mad if she decided to share borders with them. Besides, she wanted no trouble, especially being outnumbered as she was. Getting on the wrong side of a pack of wolves would spell disaster for her if she let it happen. No, she would make friends and play nice, keep herself on their good side if she happened upon them. Until then, though, why worry?

Her ventures had brought her further west in search of a location that suited her. Most of what lay out this way seemed to be a majority of flat spaces, even deserts, and while she was not afraid or put off by the heat she preferred rockier landscapes, places with cliffs and uneven footing to make it harder for others to find her chosen den site. Surely there had to be something out here that suited her wishes? She had been searching through the early morning, and now that the sun's stark heat was beginning to be more strongly felt a break was in order. The forest that she had wandered into seemed relatively empty for the time being, and quietly she slipped through it, drawn through it by a sound of a splash that she had heard just moments before. A splash meant water, and with the weather warm like it was passing up on an opportunity for a drink was foolish.

She did not dart right out of the trees and up to the lake when she came upon it but hung back within the treeline, peeking out and waiting a moment to ensure that that coast was clear. Nothing but the natural sounds around her and no new figures strolling around the lake. Good to go. Tentatively, silently, she crept from the cover of the trees and out into the open, pausing at intervals to continue listening and ensuring that there was no one about. With care she made her way down to the water's edge and lowered her muzzle, crouched there to take a moment and enjoy a refreshing mid-morning drink.