


03-17-2014, 08:25 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Requiem
How did you get here?: You're affiliated with Anikira :3
Age: 15 years

Character's Name: Adelaide Lazurite
Age: 3 years
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 29 inches
Appearance Description: Adelaide's figure is not a threatening one. Her feminine curves do not instill fear. Her long legs, in fact, seem to be built for running away. She is relatively short and doesn't appear to have very defined muscles, but her wit and grace are enough to win a fight at times. However, fighting isn't really her style. Behind her crystalline blue eyes is a knowledgeable and curious mind. She is always prepared to learn.

Her snowy white coat is fairly untarnished, save for a few markings on her face and tail. Her ears are tipped with sharp triangles of black, and the black continues in strange stripes across her cheeks and muzzle. Her tail comes to a dark ashen tip, the same color as those on her ears. Her tail is also quite fluffy, and when paired with the odd marking, she has the appearance of a fox. And why not? She's clever enough. She may as well be a fox, with her sneaky smile and her ladylike charms. Most of what she does is a ruse, though she truly does care about the fine art of healing. All she needs is a strong mentor, someone to bring her down from the clouds and show her what it takes to be a shaman.

The essences of most wolves lie in their bulky or showy appearances. For Adelaide, her essence is her mind. While this is an abstract concept, you can still see the look of bright inquisition in her sapphire-colored eyes. This is enough to capture any male's attention. And if her eyes capture them, then her voice kills them. She has a deep voice with a lull that is almost seductive, though she is very innocent in nature. Overall, Addy is a very complicated wolf.