
myths of the vagabond heart


03-17-2014, 09:29 AM
what are you made of?

[flesh and bone]

The haunting song was familiar, in a sense. It was a wolf's cry, one that stretched towards the sky and reached towards the gods' realm. This was the kind of song that would stir the hearts of Altavro's gods, and draw them towards the earth that they ruled so distantly. The male twitched his ears, head cocking slightly to the side. It had not sounded like a summons, no, but Altavro felt drawn to the sound anyways. He stopped nosing absently at the ground and padded towards the source of the sound. Slowly, he moved slowly at first, and then began to advance more quickly, ears pricked curiously forward. As silence fell, the air seemed emptier than before, but Altavro remained silent, senses stretching forward as he sought to detect the source of the howl before she (for the voice had been distinctly feminine) spotted him.

It didn't take him long to find his companion. The wolf was, as he had surmised, a female, and a young one at that. Altavro had never been much of a father figure, but he wasn't one to abandon a young wolf in need. Still, she seemed to be of an age that she could take care of herself. The male hesitated for a moment, mulling over his options, before he allowed his paws to move forward. "Hello," He called out gruffly, announcing his presence to the younger female. The golden wolf fell silent at that, tail flicking just slightly. It was a cautious wag, but Altavro still wasn't sure how he felt about this tiny thing. Would she be friend or foe or simply an annoyance?

Perhaps the gods had plans for him. And perhaps this was simply a coincidence that would rapidly prove to be too obnoxious for Altavro. They were both equally likely, knowing this prickly wolf of a healer. Ears pricked in her direction anyways, and Altavro examined the female carefully. She didn't look like much, did she?

& i'm running out of timeA L T A V R O