
Relief never felt so good


03-17-2014, 02:24 PM

The silver temptress patrolled the bordered of her new home. Members had gathered under her rule and soon they would thrive. She had plans for training to begin immediately, chances for promotions and more. Power made her behemoth form vibrate, her crown was held high, plume curled at her hocks. Paws kissed the earth, making sure her borders were clearly marked, and no one had foolishly trespassed. Basilisk had been in and out since she had last seen him in Tortuga, he had barely made it to the meeting. She was beginning to question his desires.

Nostrils quivered, memorizing the scents of her new home. She was adjusting well, acclimating to the dense fog and vague smells. She had debated moving, it was still up in the air, but for now this was home. As she moved, a familiar scent invaded her nose, one she had not expected to find again. Sora. She had taken him to the island, he wanted to stay with his father. She didn't expect him to seek her out.

"Sora?" Her voice would echo in her ears, coral gems scanning, looking for the form of her dark son. She missed him dearly, she only had one child with her, Senka had vanished into thin air. She would stop her patrol, waiting to see if her mind was just playing tricks on her, or if her son was really here.