
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts


03-17-2014, 05:22 PM

The call. He would recognize the call of his Alphess anywhere. He rose immediately from his crouched position on the other side of the territory, signaling to Caerul that it was time to go. They had been out on a hunt, tracking down a rather large buck that would require more then one to bring down. Both males made their way quickly towards the meeting place, the light of the moon illuminating their pelts as they swept through the territory. He hoped Erani wouldn't be upset, they hadn't meant to be late, but this meeting was unexpected as well. Aquamarine eyes sought out the forms of his pack mates, while nostrils picked up on the scents of the gathered. Breaking away from Caerul, he made his way through the throng of the gathered to settle on Erani's side opposite from Surreal. He cast a quick apologetic glance towards his Alphess, clearly sorry for his lateness. He remained quiet, however, as he looked around at the pack. There were many new faces, one in particular caught his attention; a cross marked male he had seen briefly once before, vaguely familiar. Why did this male tug at his mind? Where had he seen him? He would make sure to officially welcome him to Valhalla soon after the meeting. For now, he would wait patiently. Although...something else tugged at his mind. Where was Seraphine?

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