
Home Is Not Here



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-17-2014, 08:29 PM

Silence. Where was everyone? Avalon stood atop a small slope, overlooking the home she had disappeared from long ago. Was her family gone now? She scented no traces of them anywhere, and the sadness within her grew. It had been an entire year since she had disappeared, kidnapped then rescued in the war. It was but a memory, but one she tried to never remember as it would remain vivid in her mind when she did think about it. She stared around the landscape, the water gently rolling in and out from the shore. Slowly, she moved forward. Hopeful to find a trace, a scent, anything of her family. Her father was nowhere to be found, her mother the same. Siblings were gone, and not even the Snow Rogues seemed to be here anymore...had they decided to not wait for her? Left her behind? Her heart sank the more she walked, they were gone. She was sure of it.

She walked along the beach, finally stopping at the edge of the jetty that went out into the sea. (Image ref of Jetty-Click) She stared out towards them, ears against her head as sadness filled her mind and heart, chest becoming heavy. Where had her family gone off to? Did they all leave and abandon what they once called home? Where was her sisters and brothers? Tail curled around her legs, her left leg that had once been damaged was healed now, and the limp she had trained away for the most part. She still limped, though it was barely noticeable and did not hamper her in any way. The only thing that bothered her was when the weather turned wet or humid, and moisture caused her leg to stiffen from time to time, but nothing that heat couldn't fix. And so she sat there in silence, thinking about what her next move would be...


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