


03-17-2014, 10:30 PM

Would she come?

It was the only thing that plagued the dame's mind as lantern eyes slithered over the landscape behind her and before her. Finally they fell on a familiar form and though it was not the first one she had wished to see it was a welcome sight none the less. Hushed tones would slither from inky lips and Vi couldn't help the devilish smile that slipped over her own to match. But she said nothing in return, head simply tipping to the side in appreciation for her new friends words and companionship. If nothing else at least someone was here for her. But then like that first star of the night she would appear, quietly at first but then striding closer like the queen Vi hoped to soon make her. A genuine smile slipped easily into place on Vi's dark stained lips and for a moment she relaxed, allowing her gaze to linger on the purple beauty before tossing a wink to Cat and rolling her shoulders as she straightened herself once more, eyes ahead as she waited for her opponent to arrive. She had all she needed around her now, Des was here?

It was an older woman who would approach, dark hued with rust stained on her chest with a missing eye. She was of impressive form and for a moment Vi breathed a sigh of relief. She was larger then Vi and though not as big as her brother it was a type of wolf she was used to fighting. "A good day to you as well I suppose. If you would like we can make this as quick as possible." Vi said, head dipping low to show that somewhere in all of the chaos that was about to erupt around them she did respect this female. She was an alpha, she had done what Vi had always avoided and thought that she couldn't do. "Should I win I will take leadership of the pack. You would be welcome to remain, as would your current pack members. All can be decided by each once the battle is finished. I would wish to move the packs location and rename it though." She said easily, head tipping as she gave the woman a moment to see if she would agree or deny these terms. Not that she had much choice but Vi was quite open to suggestions. And for a moment eyes would flicker to Desiree to see if she could read emotions there, see if her love would approve.

Even as the female began to set her defences Vi took a few steps forward, enough to give them room to breath but not enough to make her moves as predictable. And then she would set her own defences. Neck arched easily, chin slithering outwards so she could have a clear field of vision of her opponent but already lower jaw unhinged to keep her throat protected. Ears pinned and eyes narrow as hackles raised to make herself look bigger then she really was. Tail remained at a half way between tucked and raised to act as a rudder ready to go further up or down as needed. Joints loosened, legs bending easily as stance splayed to centre her balance. "Best of luck to you, queen of seracia." Vi would murmur, words meant for the older dame's ears alone. She didn't mean her any harm, meant her family and friends no harm if she had them and she wanted this woman to know that. Head would dip slightly once more, lowering just enough for the woman to see before mask would be placed on. Lips curled, white canines that flowed from pink gums easily exposed. For a moment she would snarl, tongue hanging over jaws as lantern eyes scanned this woman's heavily muscled form.

Haunches would curl and then she launched herself, darting forward like a racehorse from the gates head on at first, head lowered to present her upper neck and shoulders to the woman as she faked going for her ankles. At the last second she would dart to her right, throwing her hips over so she swung around in a moment of unbalance to make a T with the larger woman. Fangs sot to find purchases on the woman's back, ribs, shoulder or flank. Looking to rip flesh quickly as she planted her paws to regain her balance. Now tail would tuck, preventing it from being ripped off if the woman decided to swing around like Vi had. But she didn't look to get a grip there, simply looking to cause pain, start the blood flow. Jaws would almost immediately seek another target, neck arching to turn and go for the woman's left elbow. She wanted to take her off balance, pull that leg out from under her and drag her to the ground if she could. If not she would settle with whatever she got and hang onto that for dear life for the time being. Should her bite fail or grip release then she would back peddle, looking to have the woman follow her a few steps.


ATTACKS running straight forward so it looked like she was going for destruction's paws. darted right at the last minute and swung her hind legs around while her front came to a stop so she and destruction make a T. tried to bite at destructions right side, anywhere, before trying to grab a hold on destructions upper right leg around her elbow which she will hang onto if she gets the hold. if not she will back up.

DEFENCES neck arched, chin tipped up but lower jaw unhinged to cover her throat. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised. Back arched, stomach flexed and tucked to gather her core strength.. tail ready to tuck out of the way or lash out like a rudder. legs loose and bent with wide stance to centre her balance.

INJURIES none yet, first round.

Table by Azil