
You Oughta Know



8 Years
03-18-2014, 08:54 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 07:44 PM by Maximous.)
The call would come just as his black lips and ivory canines would pluck a herb he'd been looking for, for weeks. He would wait only a few moments before trotting there. In waiting he was hoping that one of the higher ranks would arrive before him, he had even debated on taking the trillium plant he'd found back to his den but he decided againced it.

That desision probably wouldn't be the worst one he made all day though. He'd arrived just in time to loose all respect and trust he might have had for the Ebon Knight. He did not trust the other man to stand so close to lady Raisa, and would never again. Involuntarily, a growl left his throat. It was obvious to who it was for as he never once looked at the alabaster woman.

His icy eyes only seemed to become a colder shade of blue as he stepped protectively between the two women and Fugue. The ivory woman was not part of his pack but she was at their boarders, and she was not posing a threat. Besides, he was protective by nature...even the plant held in his jaws was held gently. At this point the only one who could make the large man move was his Queen, Raisa and even then he would be reluctant to step aside.

Maximous spoke no words as he stood there. The only thing he would give the red tinted male credit for was knowing what he was and feeling bad for it. The two girls may accept Fugue's submissiveness, but Max would never again trust him to be alone with their queen or any other woman within Ebony. He waited silently for his queen to respond.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)