
Something sweet and something dangerous


03-18-2014, 11:36 AM

Summer heat had baked the land beneath her paws, the high sun- and nearly unbearable temperatures had turned the once lush forest a disturbing faded green color. It was a welcome distraction from the snow- at least as her coat had thinned it wasn't sodden with water and ice. It was a minor improvement. She had taken to patrolling her territory thoroughly- spending vast amounts of time studying the land, keeping her eyes on the borders for potential members- and trespassers. She would be foolish to turn any wolf away, that could prove useful to her, and her empire. However, reckless trespassers she would not tolerate. Her pack would at least have the respect of their lands. When the ivory queen had caught the slight scent of a stranger on the land, she had moved quickly and quietly towards the sound. She clung to the thick of the trees, drawing her closer to the scent and the one emanating it.

Amethyst eyes would finally come to land on the intruder, and her ears trained forward, watching her intently from the concealing brush of the trees. She would watch the stranger for several moments, wondering if this fool was aware that she was trespassing. The question that perturbed, her mind the most, is how she would deal with this intruder. Growing tired of waiting, she would emerge from the trees, striding confidently towards the other wolf. Her head high, tail raised like a banner- she would approach, though no violence emanated from her. Coming to a halt near the stranger, she did not speak for a moment, rather waited in silence.

She would watch the other, her eyes scrutinizing her, before she finally parted her jaws, to speak. "You tarry on my lands, stranger. Identify yourself." She would speak confidently, her eyes resting on the stranger- waiting expecting an answer. She had not decided how to truly react to a trespasser. She supposed it would depend on the character, and how the creature before herself reacted.

ooc:I assumed she had officially trespassed, but if she has not, let me know and I will edit that part.
