

The Judge


03-18-2014, 12:04 PM

ISARDIS v SEREPHINE for Glaciem & Maim

Round 1

9 for clarity-

8 for powerplaying.his positioning is a little twisted (-2),

10 for defenses. stance squared, weight evenly spread, knees bowered, chest lowered, toes splayed and claws digging into soil, tail level with spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muscles tense,

7 for attack. shoving with his left shoulder(+2), bite to seraphine's spine(+3), hooking with right ankle (+2)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Isardis Total: 44/50


8 for clarity- some descriptions required re-reading (-2)

7 for powerplaying.she wouldn't be able to reach Isar's right leg with the amount of space between their shoulders (-2), be careful with wording "would pull out of the man's grasp once he leg go" he might not let go (-1)

7 for defenses. shoulders bunched, back legs bent, claws digging into ground, body lowered, weight evenly distributed, jaws parted, shifted to the right

7 for attack. bite to isardis's right leg(+3), shoving with right shoulder(+2), stomping with left foot(+2)

10 for injuries.First round

Round one SERAPHINE Total: 39/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- movements get muddled in hyperbole (-1)

6 for powerplaying. too much movement (-3), attempted damage is too severe (-1)

10 for defenses. stance squared, weight evenly distributed, knees bent, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws in ground, tail moving and level with his spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned

8 for attack. bite to ribs(+3), bite to face(+3), thrusting into opponent (+2)

5 for injuries. broken toes (-2), bite to foreleg (-2), minor bruising (-1),

Round two NAME Total: 38/50


9 for clarity- Minor grammar issues (-1)

6 for powerplaying. "she would hold her grip on his upper right foreleg" you can't assume you retained a grip, that's up to your opponent (-2), you need to further describe the damage made from the bite to her face (-2),

8 for defenses. weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes splayed, ears back, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, jaws clenched, muscles tense,

6 for attack. thrusting head into Isardis's jaw (+2), bite to Isardis's neck (+3), hooking with right leg (+1)

5 for injuries. minor bruising (-1), bite to muzzle (-2), bite to rib area (-2)

Round two SEREPHINE Total: 34/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- a clear post

8 for powerplaying. Isar's larger, but his jaw isn't big enough -in comparison to Seraphine's head- to spread from cheek to cheek from behind (-2)

10 for defenses. stance squre, weight evenly distributed, kneew bent, toes splayed, claws in soil, tail level with spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muscles rigid

5 for attack. bite to the back of Serephine's head(+3), swiping with his left forepaw(+2),

5 for injuries. moderate bruising (-2), bite to neck (-3),

Round three ISARDIS Total: 38/50


7 for clarity- "...the bite she had on him and push forward once again" push forward how? (-2), "heavy bruising and some swelling sure to form" where? (-1)

9 for powerplaying.her left paw would be closest to his left paw (-1)

10 for defenses. legs bent, toes gripping the earth, body tense, back legs squared, jaws ajar, body lowered, shoulders forward,

6 for attack. worsening bite to neck (+1), pushing with right shoulder (+2), bite to right foreleg (+3)

3 for injuries. moderate bruising (-2), bite to the back of head (-3), bruised toes (-2)

Round three SEREPHINE Total: 35/50


NAME: 120/150

NAME: 108/150

And the winner is...

Isardis! Serephine must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Isardis- Injured toes, will take one ooc week to heal. injured leg, may cause a limp, will take one ooc week to heal.

Serephine as this was a maim challenge, Serephine is now blind(whether completely or in the eye that was attacked during the fight is up to the two of you)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

- By [Serendipity]