
Wicked [Open]


03-27-2013, 09:46 AM

Golden eyes, cold and hard scanned the blood soaked battlefield. Her two-toned pelt glaring at everything, anything. Seemingly indifferent she absorbed the land, memorizing it. What was this place so bathed in death? In decay? Did the sick arrive to spew their last remnant of life upon the ground? Did the injured drag their corpses here to bleed out their last? Her wicked mind danced with images of her so claimed father, the wretch. Had he breathed his last? She cared not.

Banishment, and the world did color her soul, suited her well. She cared nothing for the world around her and even less for the pack she had left behind... well she cared for Glenda, but she couldn't, not anymore. Her soul needed to turn black, twisted and misshapen. Emotions and feelings she could not entertain any longer. If her wondrous pack of Oz thought she was nothing but wicked then so be it, she had had enough. Perhaps one day she would return to strike fear into the hearts of all those who had wronged her.

Vengeance seemed like such a decadent morsel. She stepped forward, each move, calculated, ready. For now she needed to grow accustomed to this new, strange land. To learn the land, the packs, its inhabitants. She needed information before she tread too far into unknown waters. Banished, betrayed, forgotten... she would be generous no more. She sought no approval, no acceptance, they thought they had broken her. taken her fighting spirit, but how wrong they were. Elphaba would make every last one of them pay if it was the last thing she ever did in this life.
