
take my breath away


3 Years
03-18-2014, 01:13 PM
The northern lands were home to him in ways that other places were not. The young male had spent most of his time growing up here - and although it wasn't entirely visible from his less than muscular frame, it had made him quite resiliant. It had also made him cold - not in a callous sense, but in one that made quiet, comfortable in silence, slow to feel anything that could be noted as remotely passionate. Or perhaps he had gained those qualities from his only known kin - Silana, it was surprising how often his sister crossed his mind. A vast expanse of everything and nothing at all, the male was often lost in thought, but even among his mental wandering she was there. Lingering in a way that was both empty and all encompassing, so different from the relationship that he was slowly forging with Sibelle. While Silana was quiet, was cold - the russet lady was warm, her presence was much heavier than either he or his sibling, or anyone that he had ever thought to try and get close to.

She was crossing his mind more often lately too.

He would triapse over the still snowy area, only to pause as his senses once again played tricks on him. That scent - it was enough to get his breath to hitch just so, a slight reaction to the trickle of emotion that would surely grow larger if he allowed it. If this was another old trail or mistake, which he was nearly sure about at t this point because Silana had been missing for quite a few seasons now - he would be two at summer's end - and he had not seen hide nor hair of his sister in far too long. Still, he felt the nagging urge to let himself down - to squash any lingering feelings of hope at this nearby lupine being Silana. And so he would briskly carry himself forward, a surprising amount of hesitance in his stride - which was something that had not happened previous. 'Silana?' Perhaps his body, was a step ahead of his mind? Perhaps this wasn't some sort of trick?

Aeron would pause as he caught sight of a female, small framed but hauntingly familiar. He would watch, frozen into place as she tilted her delicate crown to the sky and s a n g. His eyes were wider than they had ever been, and he wasn't sure what it was, but there was something caught in his throat because he could feel it there. He would wait until she finished her song, before sweeping toward her, the expression on his visage unreadable. Not blank though, not as per usual - he simply felt a few too many different feelings for it to convey correctly on his face. A mixture of relief, surprise, anger, and pride trickled within him, swelling as he moved to close the distance between he and his kin. "Have you been 'iding zat voice from me, Silana?" There were few things that Aeron saw beauty in, but it seemed that she had managed to strike a chord.

"I never zought zat I vould see you again." It was a struggle, to seperate his thoughts and feelings this way, but he would do his best, each flicking subtly over his face and through his body - the scrunch of his brows as he wondered why she had left, the twitch of his lips into something akin to a smile as he realized that she was here. "Vhere 'ave you been?" His gentle, accented tones would seem hushed though, for he never had to speak loudly with Silana - at times he barely had to speak, because it seemed that in her silence that she was always listening. Idly he would wonder whether that would all change.