
Steal my breath away: Seren

Lyric I


4 Years
03-18-2014, 04:02 PM
The young female wasn't sure what he meant by his question. Was it really so hard to believe? Lyric wasn't sure whether she would consider herself much like her mother, but perhaps she didn't carry herself as the daughter of a leader would. The female would nod at his question, hoping that he didn't mind, but honestly she wasn't quite sure why he would. Perhaps she would figure it out if he ever met Erani - she would quite like that - never before had she had the chance to introduce her mother to a friend. As friendly as the girl was, she didn't have many friends to begin with. Her packmates though, were cared about enough for her to never feel alone though, so long as she had Valhalla and her family she was happy.

"They are!" She would respond quickly, easily agreeing that Valhalla was open and warm - because that was the honest to goodness truth. She wouldn't catch that he had been comparing them to her until the moment after she had spoken - and the lupine couldn't help but blush, "I mean, they're good wolves - a family." Lyric would pause, before her tail gave a small thump at her side. "Thank you." It would seem that she was still not quite used to being complimented, no matter how earnest this kind brute was, it still made her stomach flutter in a way that she knew wasn't bad but wasn't sure if it was completely good.

"Oh I'm sure it is - it's your life after all." Anything that he was willing to share about his upbringing she would take in and keep forever. How had such a brute grown up? Where did he come from? What was his family like? "It matters to me." She would say gently, and although she didn't mean to pry, exactly, she wanted him to know that what he had been through meant something to her because he did to.

"No, I spent a long time looking for my father and brothers - I've only been in Valhalla for a season after spending almost a year away." She was two now, she had spent equal amounts of time traveling as she did at home. It would seem that most men in Valhalla were either happily adjusting to their lives with their families and expanding said families - or were her relatives! And although some were just fine with breeding within the family, she wasn't interested. No, her soulmate was outside of Valhalla, she was sure of it.

Alpine seemed like a man that would do fine settling down. If he didn't have a home at the moment, perhaps he would make one in Alacritia? "Besides, most of Valhalla really is my family... do you have a lady on your mind, Alpine?" For some reason, she found herself hoping that he didn't. Although she wanted him happy, and would delight in knowing that he wasn't alone in Alacritia, it was a feeling she couldn't deny. Although it was tiny, and a feeling she had little experience with, she didn't want to share him with someone who could be his mate.
ooc: sorry for the wait - went on a little vacation and got caught up judging ^-^