
Buried With Our Past



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2014, 05:05 PM

Erani listened, pausing to give Imena a look that said to lose the hostility toward Jinxx. Had she not noticed him at the meeting? As the female finished her story, Erani nodded. ?I will s speak with Themisto, as he?s recently joined Valhalla. As for protection, you are more than welcome to stay in Valhalla, as guest or as a member is your choice. If you intend on keeping these children, they will be raised however you wish. If not, I know plants that will terminate them. However, it appears that you are too far along for a safe termination. Jinxx, have you found a den?? If not, they both were welcome to her den, the most defensible location in the territory. She was of half a mind to take Imena to her den as well; the female had been moping and separating herself from the pack. A Theta needed to be involved.

Another decision would voice itself. ?No wolf harms a member of my family, and gets away with it for long. This male will be given the Redwood execution. I will be calling the Gammas to attention soon, before the scent can become too stale. Jinxx, I would like you to try and find your brother. I will sniff out Themisto. This bastard must be terminated before he can harm anyone else.? Rayne was heavy on her mind. She already viewed these two cross marked wolves as her children in a way. Knowing their mother was dead, and that they had no idea where their father was, had triggered the strong maternal instincts. She wanted to find Taurig as well, and bring him to Valhalla, though she?d last heard that he was living comfortably on Inu Island with a mate and children. She would visit, nonetheless.