
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



Extra small
08-11-2014, 05:26 PM

It was exhilarating. He could feel the heat beneath his skin begin to crawl forward. He could feel time begin to s l o w. Syrinx was mesmerized. They would come. They would all come. He could hear them coming as though their feet were moving to the beat of drums. As he wished, Isardis would be the first to arrive, ?My ever worthy opponent. You never fail to please, do you?? There was a perversion of this war in his fight. Syrinx sought to make it known, hoever, that he values Isardis as a worthy opponent. He knew that the Armada was no pathetic boy. With everyone arriving he made sure to let it be known. He was not killing Isardis because he was not good enough to live. Quite the opposite. He was too good to live.

She, however, would come. Her touch was electrifying and somewhat hardening. She would whisper only a single phrase to him and he would not against her, his muscles quivering in anticipation of what was to come. She was going to be the reason he was fighting today. He had been issued a command by his sister, and he would not fail her. Not today. He nodded to her, ?Find my newest brood should I fall. Teach Arcturus how to restore our family. Restore it, His children needed to be raised properly. The Adravendi needed to find their roots. As she disappeared a smile cracked over his lips and he whispered, ?I love you,?

His eyes returned to Isardis and he waited. Wanting to see if he would say anything. However, no words would fall, idly sitting by as they stared in silence would do nothing. Syrinx would take the first move. However, he would not be the only one--as he began so did another pair (Epiphron vs. Azalea). The younger one needed to be shown respect again. Syrinx hoped that she would find the error in her ways.

Begin Syrinx vs. Isardis

Syrinx allowed his head to fall in line with his spine. His ears were also pinned against his skull and his eyes were narrowed in directly on Isardis?s face. Limbs were bent so that he would not lock himself up and his weight was evenly distributed between evenly spaced limbs. His back legs were sprawled to create a base for himself and his tail was up to act as a counterweight to allow him the ability to maneuver. Jaws would fall agape and yellowing teeth would be ever the more present. Shoulders would roll forward to further encumber his neck in fur flesh and fat, while he would also tuck his chin in ever so slightly. Hackles raised and bristled with the growl that ricocheted through his body Syrinx would flex his toes and feel his muscles tighten through his body, and then, as the god he claimed to be he advanced.

He was approaching Isardis head on at a sprinting pace. His eyes remained charged to Isardis?s face and as he attempted to close the distance between them his teeth would aim for the pale king?s face. Syrinx would angle his head diagonally so that his top set would aim for Isardis?s left eye and his bottom set would aim for the upper part of Isardis?s cheek on Isardis?s right side. Regardless of making contact he would gnash his teeth together, so that in case he did he would destroy the red king?s appearance. He would, hopefully, blind him from this maneuver and draw a pretty gash across his features.

Simultaneously Syrinx?s body (not his head, but everything including his shoulders and down) would turn a bit to his own right by about 25 degrees and he would aim to drive his left shoulder into the center of Isardis?s chest, hoping to knock the breath out of him. Regardless of making contact he would relax the muscles in his upper shoulder but tighten his own chest so that the shock of collision would be lessened should it occur. At almost the exact same time, Syrinx?s weight would fall dominantly on his back legs so he could find stability and the rest would fall on the front left limb. Reason being--his right limb would lift off of the ground and move forward in an attempt to wrap around Isardis?s left ankle and pull his limb out from beneath him. He wanted to watch him Fall. Luckily, Syrinx had a slight height advantage, so any move requiring him to lift a limb off of the ground...he did not need to lift so far off of it.

Syrinx vs. Isardis
for death
One two three