
Buried With Our Past



03-18-2014, 08:41 PM

She had been so caught up on feeding off the emotions swirling around she had not notice the family resemblance between Jinxx and Twig. That and had the male not been at the meeting? She barely remembered, having isolated herself most the time at the meeting specially during the wedding like ceremony for Leon and Ash. Then had slipped away as soon as she could back to her den. The meeting had been a harsh one for her to weather silently and appear normal, while inside she had been screaming and a storm raged inside her heart. She twitched her ears, slightly embarrassed at Erani's look before soundly plopping her rear down on the earth.

She watched the brother and sister react, slowly relaxing at seeing how much Jinxx did care for her. Silently she listened, eyes flicking back and forth. Would Twig accept? And almost voice the option of her den but decided maybe she would offer it later to Twig. Or at least a place to go to if she needed to get away. But that would mean Imena could not lose control on her own emotions at her den. She shifted her weight, thinking things over. But the mention of terminating unborn pups had her look at Erani sharply. Hearing such a thing for her, who had always dreamed of wanting a family nearly broke her own the spot. She drew a shaky breath, closing eyes for a moment to collect herself."I'll do anything I can help. A apologize Jinxx for my..behavior. She would mutter softly, shoulders sagging slightly. Sometimes she wished she could bury herself somewhere from all the pain in the world.