

Hermes I


03-18-2014, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2014, 08:57 PM by Hermes I.)

It was madness! Wolves sprang in front of the bastard to protect him. Hermes fur and hackles rose, ears pinned back, shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched as he prepared to enter the fray. But all to soon his mother was there. Hermes almost breathed a sigh of relief at her presence. She would sort this out but unfortunately he did not have an answer for her, all he could do was shake his head. Suddenly there was a young female infront of him. Her stance begged for a fight and he snarled at her as she spoke. "Clearly he has done something, now get out of my way before I soil the earth with your blood." She didn't strike him as a warrior, her body language clearly anxious. If Virgil called for the attack, if the battle did not stop then he would not hesitate to view the girl as an enemy and bring her to her knees.

He saw Virgil pull back and he glared again at the femme who blocked his way. "We have drawn back, now move" Hermes did not wait for an answer as he made to push roughly past her to stand with his family. He wanted to know what was going on as well but as soon as Virgil spoke he wish she hadn't. She was raped. Hermes surprise was replaced with wrath as blood red eyes sought for the form of her rapist. That fucking scum had the gall to violate his cousin and then cower when his punishment was at hand. Hermes growled, muscles tensing, limbs bent. "Base criminal? Olympus demands restitution for this heinous act! I say we snip off his seed and trowel, sedate him first if you like. That would be a reasonable price?" He glanced to his mother and Virgil. They had to leave with something for the sufferings of their Queen after all. Ruby gaze fell again on the Ludicael wolves.

talk, think