
i'm about to lose my mind


03-18-2014, 08:58 PM

The moor was quiet, and hot as hell. The obsidian temptress was deeply angry with the whole thing, and was still reeling in her mate's abandonment. Dual toned optics were focused on the ground while the dame turned to her thoughts and wondered how someone who had claimed to love her, who had gone ahead and gotten pregnant alongside her, could abandon her without a word. How cold, how truly unpredictable of someone who had claimed to love her. A growl tore from the throat of the ebony bitch as she swept her paw forward and kicked a stone into the snaking stream at her left. A faint squeak told her she had uncovered something, and she found a burrow of growing mice underfoot. Irate, the demoness stuffed her muzzle into the small hole and snapped her jaws shut around the squirming forms of the infant mice.

Blood dripped from her maw as she kept walking, the dead creatures slithering down her throat. Long inky tail lashed behind her angrily as she slunk across the plains, searching for a suitable place to house herself and her children. She wanted to get away from the willows, there were too many memories of plans made and canceled. Tea cupped paws scraped wicked talons into the dried soil as the twisted bitch's rage boiled in her veins. The sultry shadow crushed an infuriating bright flower bud underfoot, thoroughly annoyed by the ability for colour to survive in this heat. Tiara lowered between petite shoulders as she continued to trek through the bright moor in search of a proper den for her and the babes.
