
Buried With Our Past

Twig I


03-18-2014, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2014, 09:40 PM by Twig I.)
She would lean into her brother's warm embrace, his arms one of the few places she had felt safe in weeks. In reality she didn't want to know how this was making him feel, still she had yet to know where he had been. Was it here? Had he walked off the battle field with this pack? His salmon tongue would carefully remove the salty tears from her pale cheeks, he would announce his intentions of caring for her even going so far as to ask Erani for her shelter. Twigs ears would fall back ashamedly as she again had to accept the help of a stranger. Royal purple gaze would rest anywhere but the eyes of those who seemed to care so much about her and the unborn children within. However Erani's words would stop her cold, again thinking of killing them. Of stopping their total existence before they were even allowed a chance. Imena's words would echo within her mind as she managed to place her gaze upon the woman. "I'll stay with Jinxx because I want to keep them. I want them safe." she would look to her abdomen, the disgust of their start made her have to turn her head. However, she could already feel a connection to them. "I love them." appearing for only but a moment a peaceful smile would cross her features as she said those words. Just as quickly though she would fall yet again as Erani spoke of his execution. She would again push herself into Jinxx, trying to block out her thoughts of her assailant and that day. His words a comfort as she tried to let herself relax, but relief would not come. "Imena, do you still have that lavender?" she wished she could simply let her troubles leave her, but the stress felt like a parasite encrusted within her spine. She was stiff and could not relax, even with her brother right beside her.?