
Like A Flower In The Sun


03-18-2014, 09:40 PM

Watching him cross the river Isabella moved back a bit both to give him space as he would join her and to avoid an excess water he shook off. It wasn't that she minded getting wet, she just did not want old blood on her. It was pungent in this heat and she did not want to give off any scent she enjoyed being stealthy after all, it was one of the good things that came with being small. Settling down into a sit she met Sin's golden eyes with her own icy blue ones. As per usual her head was up high and she looked as proud as ever. His words were rather odd she saw no reason for such flattery such as 'my dear' but then again he was like that last time.

Nodding a moment in greeting she spoke. "I am well, even if not fully enjoying this heat. Staying near the Ocean helps for it shall never fade and conversation had with interesting wolves such as yourself does make the day easier." She did rather like talking to Sin even if he was an odd wolf. "It is nice that you are well, though I still do not see how you can mange to feed yourself with all that blood on your fur. Prey-things will be able to smell you a mile away." Not understanding Sin just made Isabella more curious about him. Her head tilted, just a hair. Being by her beloved Ocean made her let her guard down just a bit and she knew it. Righting herself she realized she wasn't the only one who know it.

"I'd say! I'm no 'prey-thing' but I can sure smell you and it is not a pleasant smell." That was Alphonso, Isabella had warned him to stay put but he did not like the looks of Sin and wanted nothing more than to protect Isabella who turned her head to search for the gecko. For the moment she could not see him, he was doing his best to use dips in the sand to hide until he got directly behind her. With an empty sigh Isabella turned to Sin. "My apologies, that is my friend Alphonso, he is smaller than me but thinks himself bigger than you. He is...mostly harmless if you make sure he avoids your paws and the tip of your tail. He is a dear friend of mine who clearly does not know when to hold his tongue."

"Hey I'm just honest!" The voice snapped as Alphonso appeared between Isabella's front paws. Isabella's ears almost felt back he was too close to Sin, it was far to dangerous fro the bold little gecko here. She hoped he would be safe where he was while he looked up at the white and red wolf with all the courage in the world. "And by the way, Madam Izzy is clearly no fox. She doesn't like nicknames either." He knew it was a rather redundant statement but he wanted to make it clear that Isabella turreted him and he did not trust this wolf. By the way this wolf talked to Isabella, his Isabella, who no doubt wouldn't be impressed by such things he knew the wolf wanted her to like him. That gave him confidence, Isabella had made it clear enough she liked him after all, if this 'Sin' wanted to impress Izzy, he wouldn't hurt her dear friend. Though he was always confidence, this gave him more confidence than normal and that obviously went to the little gecko's head.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."