
Gods & Swans



4 Years
03-18-2014, 09:51 PM

His heart was still fluttering from the encounter and a dull ache was starting to throb in his head from the wounds but he quickly pushed it to the back of his mind. He'd had worse. Especially when he and Thor had fled to Alacritis after being savaged by their uncles. His gaze turned to Odette and he took a quiet moment to himself to marvel at this gorgeous femme that fought with an inner fire that truely impressed him.

Baldur nodded as she explained about Wormwood, making a mental note for the future but he wasn't sure if he'd ever remember it. Instead he grinned, tail wagging lightly. "By the way? you were AMAZING back there. Truly! I've never met a fae with so much gumption." Or was pretty sure he hadn't. A little tickle laughingly kissed the back of his mind but once again he pushed it back as the whole of his thoughts turned to Odette. "Seriously, you kicked that lizard right between the eyes, he never saw it com- ow, ow? ow." Baldur winced suddenly, bringing his wounded leg up off the ground. In his excitement he'd shifted far to much of his weight over it, sending a stabbing pain right up the limb.

He turned curiously to watch her pluck some berries off of a nearby bush. This seemed an odd time for a salad. Odette patiently explained what they were for. "Really? I had no idea plants could do so many things." Baldur followed her instructions though he hesitated a bit at the thought of laying down. He wasn't helpless and he was ready to move but? the pain began to fester and he grudgingly laid down before quickly snarfing down the elderberries, flinching a bit at the taste. The fur around his mouth was quickly stained violet. Odette stated she was going to get some lamb's ear. Lamb's ear? Baldur's eyes narrowed in thought as he tried to remember if lamb's had ears. He supposed they did but how was that going to help? He could eat a whole lamb not just the ears!

It wasn't until Odette returned that he realized she meant another plant. Oh right? of course. Though he was starting to get a big hungry. However, the lamb's ear looked even less appealing than the berries had. It didn't seem like he would though. Baldur watch'd Odette transfixed as she worked. Her lithe and slender frame, her beautiful face with those eyes? those eyes?

Baldur was pulled from his thoughts as she spoke, telling him of the lamb's ear and also of the pack. Valhalla? it was such a silly name from his prospective but it was quickly growing on him despite being raised with the legends. Baldur in Valhalla. Was this fate attempting to answer him? Was Valhalla the large, can't miss sign pointing him towards his future?

"I'd love that very much Odette. I have been seeking a home for so long and I think it's time to stop waiting for it to fall out of the sky." When the lamb's ear had dried Baldur got to his feet. "I'm ready. I look forward to meeting Erani and seeing Valhalla." He turned and smiled at Odette, waiting for her to lead the way. Valhalla? I'm coming.

-end? Do you want to start a thread in Valhalla or shall I?-