
Splash free



6 Years
03-19-2014, 09:10 AM

Just imagine it!
It seemed she was destined to meet one of her new cousins every time she made the trek up to the falls. As Satu bounded up the slope, it was really the farthest thing from her mind. All she cared about was throwing her body into the cool water and getting some relief from this ridiculous heat. So when she rounded a tree and nearly crashed into a young female, Satu nearly had a heart attack. She skidded to a halt right before she would have hit her. "Whoops, sorry about that!"

A quick glance gave her a pretty good idea of who the wolf was. The eyemarkings weren't completely unique to the Destruction family, but since nearly all of them had it, it would be a good guess. Plus that arrow-shaped marking on her butt that seemed to come from Cherokee's side - she still hadn't met Cherokee, come to think of it, though she'd seen him with Song a few times from a distance, and once at the pack meeting closer up. That guy was seriously intimidating - and this had to be on of Song and Cherokee's first litter. Not that Satu could really remember her name though.

"You're one of Song's pups, right?" she asked brightly, cocking her head to the side. "What are you waiting out here for? It's much nicer in the water." With that she bounced forward, splashing into one of the wider - though not as deep - pools and flopping down. "It really is much better in here," she called back to her young cousin, whatever-her-name-was.

There's a whole world to explore