
A Matter of Necessity



5 Years
03-19-2014, 10:08 AM

Her pack memebers came out of the woodwork, and that brought a smile forth on the fae's face. Isidora was the first member on the scene, quickly questioning if she was the only, but before Raisa could unhinge her jaw to answer Platinum had arrived as well. "All is well Platinum, thank you. I am glad to see you've arrived home safely," she said with a genuine ring in her voice. She made a note to get to know the dark woman better. Another ghost of her past arrived soon at her heels, his sharp eyes immediately gracing her. His blithe comment drew a snort from the woman, rolling her eyes at his smarmy humor. Still though, her congratulated her. Raisa's fur heated, knowing that he knew exactly the situation she had found herself in. Raisa nodded to him, turning her attention back towards Platinum once more as her voice resounded. The queen smiled as the warrior's attention fell upon the newly arrived Kaliska. Had they been alone Raisa might have made time to apologize to the smallest of their company. She had not seen the woman since their encounter with the dark murderess, and guilt tugged at her. Maximous was near at hand as well, and then Aeryc. Both greeted her, and with that Raisa felt perhaps it was time to begin. She took a deep breth, and let her eyes fall upon each and every one of them. "Well, I've no doubt that you're all of sound mind and body. Your eyes work, you know one of the reasons I've called you here." She looked down at her stomach and swept her tail around to graze her own flank. Looking back up, a sombre light filled her eyes. "I'm with child. I'd wager that by early to mid autumn they shall arrive. One among them I shall name my heir. As I'm sure you all have noticed I have no king, and thereby ask all of you to treat my children as you would your own." Her eyes dusted around the gathering, over loyal Vaughan and strong Platinum, quick Kaliska and wise Elsa. Each and every wolf before her could be called friend. "Furthermore," she said quickly, not wanting to linger too long on such a tender topic, "I would announce an event that I mean to host here at the turn of the season. We will hold a Tournament for us and our allies. I mean to get to know them better, and to kindle friendships between us all. There will be areas for those of all knowledge types and disciplines. I know you will all make me very proud." She finished her short speech with a soft smile. She knew they would have many questions, and she stood prepared to answer them all. As it was, she was just happy to see so many of them together.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!