
Imprisoned Within



9 Years
03-19-2014, 01:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 01:20 PM by Rincavornon.)

Hatred. Abandonment. Unworthy. They were just many of the things that he felt, and not just lately, but for a while. He had given up trying to please his sire. Enough to not even call him father anymore for he was never there to act like one. It even seemed like his family and pack as a whole didn't care, and as a result of being isolated within his own mind for comfort, he grew distant from those around him. Anyone that had approached to talk, he simply nodded in response and gave no more then single empty words, not even bothering to try and carry on a conversation. They were all liars, why should he try when all everyone did in the end was abandon? He hadn't even really spoken to his mother or favorite siblings for a while, much less sleeping in the same den. He felt he didn't belong, for even when he tried to atone for his apparently wrong curiosities so long ago, his father seemed to no longer recognize him as his own blood anymore. He had been a prisoner because of a pups naive curiosity, and now he was of a juvenile rank that seemed to classify him as nothing more then a peasant.

Although Rin had learned to not care anymore, he couldn't help but feel like wanting to find something to release the frustration. He was almost a year old now, and still he had yet to find a purpose. He felt like it was no longer here...perhaps he would choose to follow his older brother, Sin, into something more promising. Silent thoughts would work their way around his beaten mind, translucent green eyes staring at the motionless trees as he sat under the morning sunlight. It was still early, the sun not even at the midday peak yet, and so he remained there in silence.



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