
Wicked [Open]


03-27-2013, 11:29 AM

A snap, the thud of paws springing from the dirt and the two-toned fae would leap backwards, nimbly dodging the male that crushed the earth before her. She crouched low, shoulder blades standing defined against her flesh her body crouched and lowered preparing herself for battle. Her lips curled back over glistening white fangs and her ears pinned back against her cranium, a deep snarl reverberating in her chest. Hatred intensified within the glistening gold of her eyes. She was no one's pet, at least not anymore and she would no longer be treated as such. Least of all by some male with markings as bizarre as her own. Her jaws spread apart to speak, but another arrived before she got the chance.

The two smelled remarkably similar. From the same pack no doubt. Great, this was all she needed. They would tell her how amazing their home was and then stab her in the back as soon as she turned. Wolves were selfish, cruel beings undeserving of the loyalty these packs gave them. Lies and deceit colored them, defined them, Elphaba had had enough of lies. Glenda... was the only exception. She wished her best friend was here now, but unlike her, Glenda had not been banished, quite the opposite in fact, revered. She had no reason to leave that behind for a supposed monster.

She listened as they spoke but her posture did not relax, she did not trust these strangers, these nameless faces. They would be no better than those who outcasted her, and she would not give them the chance to prove her right. Her tail flickered back and forth, the only part of her that moved besides the flickering of her eyes. Neo... Kaien. Both were stored in memory, there scent and their appearance.

"Elphaba." Her voice was hard, cold, she stated her name like a plague. "These lands are foreign to me. You don't learn unless you experience for yourself. What better way to get to know the land than by moving across it." It wasn't spoken as a question. It was a statement, a fact. She had answered their question, regardless but she knew not to trust them, she stayed locked in position.
