



03-19-2014, 04:50 PM

The brute concentrated on the cool scent of water and the touch of the light spray on his pelt to accompany his dripping face. He felt the warmth of the sun tingling against the water that lay there, in fact he concentrated on just about anything but her alluring aroma. Too caught up in his need for a release of the heat that had built up inside of him, he had missed her displeasure as a few stray droplets found their way to her coat.
He did however catch it in her tone and in her words as she turned them icily towards him.

He pushed back the chuckle that would have risen unbidden to his throat, and well there was no sign of it on his face his words held a gentle, welcoming mirth.
?Was I a woman the spray would have been acceptable??
He enquired with a raise of fur above his eye. Perhaps it wasn?t fair to tease her when she already suffered the ailment of her gender.

However, as she shook out her coat and the gentle wetness would mingle with the rising taste or hormones he let out a soft groan and a tremor would rake his body. He considered plunging his head under the water again and this time just leaving himself there. He hated the lack of control that scent hinted of; he hated what it did to him. He was a gentle brute, and had no desire to have this fae before him. She was desirable as well as intoxicating, but his mind was entranced by the Lyric of another song and he knew there were no true feelings here, only desire. He would never give in his will to such a thing, he would go for love and nothing less.

Her raging emotions tipped from annoyed to alluring as she battered her lashes at him and offered forth her name. He swallowed again, hard and slid his paws forward until they touched the cool of the water before him.
?Liberty, an interesting name, and what brings you here today??
Aside from a desire to torture us males and burn us of our goodness
He thought, almost bitterly. No sign of his annoyance would flutter to his face however, his expressions still as gentle as his nature.
