
Tar Covered Angel Wings

Lyric I


4 Years
03-19-2014, 05:12 PM
There weren't many places in the West that she hadn't at least seen before - but Lyric had wandered a good ways away from home and found just that. These lands were strange, the complete opposite of the lush settings of Valhalla's territories - there was the odd scent of death that lingered, and something musky and heavy clung to the air as well. The young female usually would avoid a place like this like the plague, but she wanted to sort out her thoughts and feelings and she wanted to do so alone. Meeting Alpine had been a highlight, and even thinking about her first run in with the male brought a smile to her face. And yet he had stirred something within her, something that she hadn't really dealt with before - as the female had just turned two this season. Her first heat had been subtle so far, but clicking with Alpine had made her crave closeness for the first time in her life - and she wasn't quite sure just how close that she was prepared to be to anyone.

Without a word to her family she had slipped off and away, crossing the borders to rocky terrain, just avoiding the various deserts that littered the heart of the west - until she came face to face with what looked like bubbling black water. It smelled terrible! And was quickly identified as the source of the pungent smell. A frown pulled at her lips as she peeked in, only to shudder as a bubble popped right below her face.

And then the bubble rose out of the pits, a tiny figure pushing through to the surface long enough to mewl for help. Lyric's eyes widened, and she barked back, not knowing what to do at first. She hadn't come across many cats in her life, but the tiny figure wouldn't survive if she didn't do something to help it, that much was painfully obvious. And yet still she would hesitate to jump right in - instead barking once, twice, she would pace the shore, egging the feline on, hoping that it would free itself from the black lagoon and crawl back to the shore - only to watch the tiny creature sink slowly back into the abyss,,.

Her heart sank.

Gulping, she would wait no more than a few seconds before sticking a hesitant paw into the muck. It was sticky, but she had enough strength in her legs and leverage to yank it back out. After the test, she would reach her paw out toward the little sinking kitten, lowering her body and stretching as far as she could in order to keep her back legs out of the goop and her right front leg keeping her steady so that she wouldn't fall in. The woman would take a shuddered breath, her body quaking out of nervousness and being stretched with such precaution. "Almost... there..." She would mutter, giving one final push in order to grab the tiny cat - but that one push was one push too much-

and she tumbled right in beside it.