
Imprisoned Within


03-19-2014, 05:22 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

Another sleepless night plagued my ravaged body; not enough down time left it feeling fatigued and heavy. A feeling that I was somewhat used to, but never had it been something I cared much for. I often pondered weather or not if this was what it would feel like to be on the verge of death; so drained that at any moment you felt as if the earth would just take you. That your body would smack into the ground and be swallowed up forever into a cold dark abyss. The thought provoked a quick chuckle; a cold dark abyss might be much more pleasant then the heat filled days of this land. That blasted blazing ball of fire seemed to zap all of my energy by noon. I was quite pleased that at present the damned thing was at least not fully blasting down upon me. Although my perception of time was currently muddled I was sure that it wouldn't be long before the burning sphere rose to its full peak, but for now I would enjoy the few cooler degrees of the morning.

I wandered for quite some time before stumbling upon an area caked in the scent of others. My leather nares engorged itself in the fumes; it was not often that I came upon such a strong odor. A pack, I was assuming lived within the giant forest. My lilac eyes stared at the massive collection of weirdly shaped trees with curiosity. Usually it was impolite to breach the borders of someone else's home, however, I was not one that held such manners. So the choice to explore the claimed territory was nothing out of character for myself. Maybe it was a lack of better judgment to do so due to my sleep deprived mind or maybe I just felt like pissing someone off. Even I didn't know or care for that matter.

Agitated grumbles expelled from a tight jaw as my wandering eyes looked onward. At first intruding into someone's home seemed like a delightful idea, but I did not take into account that the forest would be so... strange. The trees darted up toward the sky at odd angles; creating natural bridges from one another. It's complexity made it slightly tougher to navigate through, on top of the fact that I really had no sense of direction at the moment. "great." I drug the word out with a thick sarcastic tone, "looks like the big bad wolf has gotten himself in a big bad mess." Early when making the decision to enter the forest I hadn't really thought of any consequences in doing so; not that I was the least be afraid of ass kissing pack wolves. The thought of being ganged up on was not a pleasant one. What a bust this plan was. Just as the words crossed my mind a single figure appeared in the distance. Was I beginning to hallucinate? Either way I was far too bored of being lost to not check it out.

Slowly I climbed onto a fallen tree that lead to another that was angled just perfectly. Quietly I crept along the body of the plant, getting closer and closer to the sitting creature. I was only a few feet away from it when the scent of the wolf filled my sensation nose. I crawled onto one last tree before laying myself against its bark; letting my tail and one leg dangle just a few feet above the wolf. "well, hello there little pup..." My voice came out quite eeriely creepy, perfect.