
Uneasy understandings


03-19-2014, 05:29 PM
Thoughts turned heavily in that brain of hers , so full of concerns which weighed on her like a ton of boulders. Neika stooped the wagging of her tail a little to draw in a large breath to fill the chambers in her chest , holding it in for a moment before exhaling out lightly " yes" she pronounced to the other wolf and then " I do". Everything seemed to happen so quickly around her,it gave her a dizzying sensation as she did her best to hitch a slight smile which appeared at the corner of her maw. " I know this is for the best.." as her words drifted into an awkward silence.

Neika wondered why other wolves were always so serious, she couldn't quite comprehend while watching the wolf that stood in front of her, very unmoving." If that is what he wishes, I hope you're right" He didn't seem to be too invested in deceiving her, at least from what she gathered from Iorwrth so far, so there was no reason for the she wolf to feel too leery around him; at least for now. Maybe introductions could in some ways relax the atmosphere between them, even if it's just a little "by the way.. my names Nei" while at the same time trying to be a bit hopeful.

Nika began to grow a little worried as the sun dropped lower and lower behind the horizon. The sky was full of matte coloured clouds now. Companies of swallows were flying off towards some unknown destination. She could see the sunset on their wings as they moved passed Iorwerth and herself. It would have seemed beautiful to her if she had been in the proper situation for it. She felt suddenly bereft and very small indeed. Nika still shuffled looks between where the kit had ran off to and the wolf that stood in front of her.