
Tar Covered Angel Wings



03-19-2014, 05:37 PM

Paws had paced along one small part of the border length, stopping each time by the exit trail of another wolf, before the pacing started once again, the soft padding against the ground hypnotic to his warring mind. He knew that Lyric had left the pack here, and wondered off into the rogue lands. He had not yet encountered in within the borders of this pack, this pack he had joined to be closer to her. It was luck of the draw in part, and also because both of them seemed to have taken to exploring the rogue lands, minimising their time spent within the Valhalla territory. He sighed and made up his mind, launching himself forward, nose to the ground he followed the trail away from the pack.

The walk was a fair one, and the trail in parts was faded and more than once he almost lost it. It took a great deal of his tracking abilities to follow her through the land until he found himself in the strangest setting of all. Here he could see the tar pits, but the strong odour blocked out all else and he could no longer catch a whiff of Lyrics sweet scent. He was confused that she would come to such a place and himself paced back and forth a moment later until he heard a pitiful little meowing sound, so quite he barely caught, so faint it could be the imagination and he paid it no heed. It was the responding bark that shot him into action, navigating the treacherous banks, looking desperately for the glistening white coat of his angel. A splash caught his attention as he saw her, stretched out across the thick surface, sinking into its depths besides the tiny shape of a feline head.

His stomach clenched and a shot of pain and fear almost immobilized him, he had to fight to move forward, putting himself on the banks edge where he could see the life in her eyes and the movement of her jaws in breath. He almost sagged in relief to see he wasn?t too late, and his mind whirled painfully as he fought to find a solution. And then, even though it pained him he yelled out to her.

?Hold on, just hold on! don?t fight, spread your weight! I?ll be back for you? I promise?

The last was almost a whisper as he turned and ran from the scene.

He didn?t go far, to do so would be to defeat the purpose of his plan. He ran until he found a dead tree branch and he picked it up in jaws, it was so big he couldn?t fully wrap his jaw around is and he had to drag it along the ground behind him. He felt the rough edges of bark digging into his mouth and tastes blood, but he didn?t falter as he made his way back to her. He walked until he was at the tar pits edge before spitting the thing from his mouth. He had to prey it would be enough. He went behind the branch lowered himself and pushed his shoulder against the other end as he shoved it across the tar ? He knew this tactic worked on quick sand and well he wasn?t certain it would do for this he didn?t know what else to try. He pushed until he felt his paws sucking at the end of the tar and stopped.

[b]?Grab it, Lyric, put your paws over if you can or just your mouth if you can?t and try spread your weight out. Don?t fight it, don?t thrash. I?ll pull you back out again."

He was panting now, his eyes never losing sight of her as he waited.