


03-19-2014, 06:41 PM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

Images would not keep themselves from flashing through his mind like a strobe. It was dizzying, sickening, and maddening. The woman he loved stood before him, disappointment printed plainly across her features. He knew she hated him, knew that she would never see him again in the same light. He had already lost all hope for that.

Her hushed tones would reach his ears and cause his eyes to widen. How did he feel about it? He was horrified, truthfully. It was not the way that he had ever wanted to turn out. He was born with nothing but sisters, for god's sake. What if that had happened to one of them? He would kill the male that touched his sisters in the way that he touched the ivory fae. So that would have to be his punishment.
"I have not been able to sleep. Not been able to eat. Her image is carved permanently in the darkest places of my mind, which seem to be every part lately. She was merely defending herself and I took it as a challenge...I am the worst type of creature for doing what I have done. And to think that she was not the first... I feel that I don't deserve to live, don't deserve to be in a noble pack or in this position." His eyes were clouded with grief, his pupils dilated and sweating with the effort of keeping them open to avoid the images of the woman he had taken. His legs were shaking as he tried so hard to keep his feeble body from dropping to the ground. He blinked once, the motion making a drop of water leak out and stain the auburn fur beneath his golden optics.

"I deceived you, and that is the worst sin, worse than the horrors that I allowed to take place just days before meeting you. Just days before you saved me from myself. I allowed you to believe that I was a different man and that only makes everything multiply within my heart. A man does not do that to the woman that he loves, let alone his queen." His voice was not but a wavering croak as he spilled his heart out to the gracious royal. His chest felt lighter, yet his heart heavier as he awaited her response to his misdeeds.


"Talk" Think "You"