



03-19-2014, 08:05 PM

He didn?t understand her meaning when she corrected him in harsh tones, telling him had he been a female he would not be her he shook his head, not sure how to make sense of that. The warmth of the sun had taken away the coolness of the water and he breathed in time with a shiver, he felt drunken in the heavily perfumed air and wished for a respite. He lowered his head closer to the water until when he breathed he almost choked on the spray and took in the cool crispness of the frothy waves.

He tried a new tactic, bringing forth the angelic face of Lyric, concentrating on the unique astonishment that was her eyes. He thought of her soothing voice... somehow applying her face to the heavy scent of hormones almost caused him to lose his head. Ashamed at his own feelings he considered ducking his head back in the water again, maybe even plunging his whole body in there with it. Her eyes moved to lock onto his and he felt yet another shudder tumble through his body. It was unbearable and shameful to see how far he could fall with a bit of tail and a strong sent of hormones hanging in the air. He could hardly bare it any longer and he considered the dangers of the rapids might not be so bad after all. He threw his head back under the water and held it there for a few seconds, attempting yet again to purge himself. He could fully understand how such a scent could drive men wild, he had just never considered himself so weak of will to act as he was acting now. Finally, forced to breath he had to rise again and face the perfume.
?I came here for a respite, funny enough?
He grinned despite himself, considering how he had come here to clear his hear, the day was definitely not going as he had planned it
