
It's Where My Demons Hide



03-20-2014, 12:17 AM

He would feel his cheeks begin to burn as she placed a kiss upon his forehead, and he would nudge her again, his lips creasing into a long smile. Butterflies swarmed within his stomach as their fur intertwined, and his tail would wiggle behind him happily. He would lap gently at her tears as she spoke, and he would simply nod his head in acknowledgement. He did not know what he could say to make her feel better, so he would take her into his arms until he could come up with a plan.

As she lowered herself to lay beside him he would roll onto his side so that his belly was facing her. He would extend his limb so that he could attempt to place it over her, hoping to pull her in so that she was pressed against him. He would sigh, his chin pressing against his collarbone as he wanted to press his face into the back of her neck. He would hold her tightly and speak gently, his husky voice quiet. "If he ever comes back we'll kill him. You don't have to be afraid anymore..." Should the perpetrator ever return Themisto would rip him apart himself, and would let Twig make the final blow. Despite his gentle nature he believed the penalty for rape should be death.

He would somehow aim to pull her in closer, should it even be possible. He would not push on her abdomen, but instead he would put his forearms in her armpits so he could hold her, his paws pressed against her plush chest. He would bring his chin up, his moist nose running along the back of her neck. Slowly he would begin to groom the backs of her slate dipped ears, an attempt at soothing her with his kindness. "As for the children... They will only know what you tell them. You must tell them the truth so they know their father is a bad man and nothing more. They need to know a parent is someone who raises you, not creates you. You will love them just as you love your family, maybe even more." He would chuckle lightly, his tail wiggling as the idea of little Twig babies came to his mind. Her sons would be magnificent, and her daughters... well, they better be locked up like princesses to keep the men away. He would feel a wave of overpowering emotions swell up within him as he held her tightly. He could get used to this feeling.
