
Talk [Segar]


03-27-2013, 12:04 PM

The King was lingering near the dens, in search of his wife and Queen. She had been rather distant lately, he assumed this was because of events that had occurred. He'd gotten an earful of her disbelief in Maverick's ability as the Prince, but all of it had been disregarded. He had chosen Maverick for a reason, and would not go back on that decision no matter what fool thing the boy did. The King wore a frown his tail jutting out behind him without the familiar wave or bobbing motion. His head remained erect and proud, but it was easy to see he was distressed. Adette had never been gone so long as to bring him to worry. Besides her and her obvious distrust of the Prince, Gerhardt also had other problems going on. For starters, one of his Knights had been scarce, and was now believed to be a deserter. The King was displeased with this notion, and still held onto the faint hope that the rumors were not true. Still other rumors wracked the Kingdom, the primary one being that Octavian had lost out on his lady love Ghost, as she had been eyeing another man.

It would be then, in the midst of all of his thinking - and moping - that a powerful and rather jubilant howl rang out. He was very near to the source, for it was crisp, clear, and incredibly loud. Limbs would pivot to carry the King to the sounder, curious and intrigued as to what news could be so joyous to befit a howl such as that. The notes were familiar sounding, and the King was willing to bet that the caller was none other than Segar, who apparently had caught the eye of the Lady Ghost. Brow furrowed slightly, wondering if this was the announcement of their consummation. He hoped for their sake it wasn't. As he came upon the scene, he noticed a beaming Segar standing just outside of his chosen den, smelling heavily of Ghost. The King's ear would flick back irritatedly as he approached, offering no warm smile. "What news have you, Sir Segar?" He would give the man the benefit of the doubt for a moment, but only just a moment. The King had a sickening suspicion that the two of them had been up to no good, but would allow his Count to explain himself as best as he could. That is, if he had the nerve.
