
Make Me



03-20-2014, 12:39 PM

Vaughan was slowly getting used to the blazing heat of the day; no longer moaning or avoiding it; he acted a lot like a vampire, preferring the night times and resting during the day. Oh, and how he wished he could do that. If i wasnt for finding Ebony once again, perhaps that is exactly what he would be doing... nothing. But after meeting with Raisa The ebony man had gotten a respectable rank as high lord, and for the time being he felt like he had a purpose. Accepting new members, alert the queen for any problems, sort out ranks and sort out alliances. It kept him busy through out the days, and he was beginning to enjoy it quite a lot. He would stroll along the invisible border line like he did most days, and instead of seeing a fully matured wolf or another trespassing, his gaze would fall upon a youth, innocent they where, and they where the ones to carry on after the elders steps.

Vaughan would keep his head high and his posture strong, but had no intention of flaunting his power. The ebony and ash girl seemed healthy; and full of potential, perhaps Vaughan could train her up himself to become a high lady or a master of the thing she specializes in. A smile would press gently against his face, welcoming her to the lands of Ebony. " What brings you over to this empire, little one? are you alone in this heat." He would take a moment to wonder before proceeding. " Im vaughan, High lord of Ebony."

image by Luisiana