
Selfless, Brave, And True


03-27-2013, 12:23 PM
Oculars of two glittering colors would watch the anger morph across the kings face. It was intriguing such emotions. She had no delved too far into Neo's arrival. Had learned what she could and left them to their own devices, such things she cared little for. Petty and obsolete. Such betrayals and such blatant acceptances of them by Tortuga only provoked a war. For a pack that claimed indifference they seemed so very willing to stir trouble. Cyanide was nothing if not at least honorable, another tick she held against Tortuga. " Neo is foolish, his own hatred fuels his actions however misplaced or not it tis. Luce only fuels his fury. Tortuga is filled with wolves who boast a good game but are content to watch the birds fly by. They could be great but they choose laziness over strategy... such a pity." Her words were cold. She held no feelings towards the pack of Tortuga, her loyalties had lain with Nnoitra, but he rarely so much as showed his hide. " Oh damn... perhaps I have revealed to much." Oozing with sarcasm the last fell from her maw. What would they do to her? Kill her? she was invisible to most everyone in Tortuga, they more than likely did not realize she was gone. She was just the trump card they kept in their back pocket should shit ever hit the fan and she was tired of being silent.