
make me feel wanted [birthing thread]


03-20-2014, 01:40 PM

ooc; 3 girls actually, one russet, one red and one black <3

She felt lusid and floaty, like she was drifting above everything ever while the tiny heathens suckled at her teats. Some part of her remembered snapping at the stranger and him disappearing but it might as well have been a dream. Why should she feel protective of the beasts who had forever destroyed her body? For a long moment she would lay, head arrested out and eyes gazing wearily up at her brother as if he somehow held all the answers in though green eyes of his. But then she came. More words floated around her from the unknown male and her love, enough that she would once more shuffle forlegs beneath her so she was upright and curled around her childern. Desiree's touch was welcome and Vi couldn't help but smile as she returned it. Had she named them? She shook her head groggily in answer though also trying to clear her thoughts at the same time. Names. Names? She had to name them. Names flowed off Desiree's tongue and Vi was more then glad for the help. "Precious aren't they? Solo and Viviek they will be then. This one here is Fiamette, she was first born," a tenderness touched her tones as she reached down to nuzzle the red and black girls tiny form. Then a glance would be tossed to Kylar and Novel. "Other then the white points she looks like mother... Would you like to name her? And Novel I couldn't have don this without you. Would you like to name the little russet girl?" She asked softly, an easy smile dancing on her lips as she allowed herself to rest gently against Des's side.

Table by Azil