
Let it get thrown down


03-20-2014, 03:26 PM

The heat of battle was definitely where he belonged, weather to win or lose he would definitely go for the win. Smirking as his jowls twitched with the excitement as blood was drawn, but he was not allowed to leave. Close quarters it was then, he wouldn't be able to get the advantage very well off but he could try. Etern dug his nails into the dirt feeling the man trying to pull himself over. His scruff suddenly scrunched forward rolling upwards to protect his vitals. Jaws opened, eyes narrowed as he made his tail level with his spine. A shoulder would collide with his left as the man growled intensely. Swiveling under his feet to keep himself steady no matter how heavy Kylar was, backing up slightly as he felt the jaws hit behind his scruff near his shoulders. The teeth digging entry, the pain filling up his desire to fight and cause even more destruction. His eyes narrowing at the man.
Gracefully, the man would cock his head in an attempt to hit it against the neck of his attacker. Raising his front legs, his whole body weight would try to rise up to throw him off. Back legs would tighten to keep him balanced jaws splayed teeth sharpened to cock to the left and aim for a grip on the side of his neck. Etern would try to dig his fangs deep and shake his head to tear off flesh. Front paws raising to hold Kylar in a hug. Blood still trickling from his wound the opponent had delved on him before. Etern desperately trying to use his small size and momentum to his advantage. His head tucked slightly, abdomen tightened as his toes splayed into the dirt.

2/3 For spar

Attack: Etern aimed to hit his head on his side/near his neck to startle him or cause discomfort in the fleshy part. Then trying to raise his body in a fast frantic manner, opening his jaws to lock on his neck or near his shoulder or where the collar bone should have been(considering they don't have collar-bones that's what I'm using to describe it). His both front paws raising to lock on his shoulders in a wolfy hug, or at least try.

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, scruff scrunched and abdomen tightened. Back legs spread equally for balance, tail level with spine and head tucked slightly.

Injuries: Inch and a half deep wound near the back of his scruff, may be more damage depending on next move.
