
Caught in the Act


03-20-2014, 04:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2014, 04:46 PM by Isabella.)

Isabella had been alone for a week now or at least alone in the moments she was not around other wolves. Alphonso and her had both decided to go their separate was a bit they both had separate aspects of their lives and decided it would be good for the both of them. Isabella was still a loner and had more wolves she liked than real friends but Alphonso had friends in the sands to catch up with. Before they parted they both agreed to meet up a week from the day they split at the riverbed.

The fox colored wolf was there now, blending in somewhat with the sandy background as she walked the cracked floor of the riverbank. Looking around she thought about how lovely it would be to see the river spring alive some time as her blue optics searched for Alphonso. The river bed was vast and she did not know how they would find each other in it. Getting an idea she paused in her steps, her high tail adjusting behind her as she prepared herself. Opening her maw she let out an odd sound, a raspy high pitched scream of a sound that in the gecko language was a call of gathering. It was even harsh to her own ears and very loud but she was glad she could muster it. With her ears high as ever she waited for a response.

In a few moments she got one in the distance, a sound less harsh than her own. With a small bark she ran over to where the sound came from to find Alphonso, the yellow and black gecko stood smiling up at the wolf eagerly. "Madam Izzy how have you been!" He beamed walking over to her and nudged her paw. Isabella smiled and looked down at him. "Fine Alphonso, I have had some time to think and be more myself. But how I missed you!" "And I you Madam Izzy! If my kind wagged their tail with happiness as yours did well it would be wagging!" Isabella paused at this, Alphonso was her friend, a dear friend and she did not often show him such favors. Her icy voice, her gaze, her lack of playing well it was a part of her yet not the real part. Alphonso knew that, he didn't deserve to just see the side of her she showed to everyone.

"Ma...Madam Izzy...are you alight?" Alphonso questioned noticing she seemed distressed and distracted. Isabella didn't respond, instead she lifted her head and looked around. As far as she could tell they were alone and with this windy summer dust clouds and sand storms were common, short and localized but common. They would give good cover and who ever came to the sands in a summer like this anyway. Isabella turned back to Alphonso with something she hardly ever gave a smile, at true wide smile. "Everything is fine Alphonso!" Her voice was light as silk and soothing as a bell. This caught Alphonso off guard the gecko tilted his head making the wolf laugh, such a rare sound! "Yes...everything is fine my friend! For we are that, friends this time alone has let me realize that. I do not have to be harsh around you." Alphonso righted himself and laughed as well. "Humph I imagine I look like you did when we first met. And it is about time you dropped that face for once."

Isabella's response was a happy bark and a jump that resulted in her being in a play bow stance. Her tail wagging rapidly behind her. "I know these actions are foolish, completely and utterly foolish, yet they are somewhat nice so long as I do them too often." She could trust herself to not get too carried away, if she did Alphonso would set her right, he was protective of her after all. Alphonso smiled and ran back a bit before doing his best to mirror her stance. "Your right it is foolish but completely and utterly fun!" Isabella yipped and bounded forward a bit lightly batting at Alphonso who dodged her gentle paw sweeps. With the sand being thrown up all around them Isabella and Alphonso played the gecko dashing under and around the wolf making her turn every which way and try to catch him. They were lost in their own world sure that the harshness of the desert would protect them in their play.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."