
New Space & Time



4 Years
03-20-2014, 05:44 PM

While the adrenaline from the fight had faded it was soon flooding through his veins again the closer they got to Valhalla. Baldur was excited and nervous. He was going to do it, he was going to ask if he could join the pack and maybe then he'd find his fate. Course what if the ruler said no and turned him away? Baldur frowned as he limped along after Odette. Well? he supposed he just have to turn around and go his own way but the thought of never seeing Odette again really bothered him. The stopped to redress his wound despite his insistence that he was doing just fine. Secretly though he found her caring to be very sweet. When he looked at it they were still practically strangers after only have known each other for a day but he looked forward to getting to know her more? if he could get accepted into Valhalla.

Baldur got back to his feet, swallowing pain and nerves. He nodded when she said they didn't have much farther to go. "Thank you, Odette. Man, I hope Erani doesn't mind I'm a bit scruffy." Baldur's fur had dried but it was sticking up in odd places and the matted plant stuff in his fur, while aiding his wounds, did not particularly help is appearance. He was a warrior, a strong one, but he had no idea if he was giving off that impression now.

The scent of Valhalla reached his nostrils as the came to a stop at the border. Odette tipped her head and howled in a lovely, clear voice for the alpha to come meet them, and Baldur knew his fate was moments away from being decided.
