
Smells Like Teen Spirit


03-20-2014, 06:22 PM

here to relive your darkest moments

It had not been long since he began playing with the soft thing that Flamesong was interrupted by a soft and feminine voice. Hello, Flamesong, she had said to him. Immediately he froze, legs spread apart in surprise and head lifting, ears perked to attention. He turned his fiery gaze to the entrance of the wooden cavern and could not help but wag his tail at the site of her.

"Qanik!" He exclaimed with delight and loped over to meet her. She looked so lovely, smelled so lovely, looked beautiful and graceful and such a relief from the drabness of the dames in Valhalla. Sure, Valhalla held pretty she-wolves. But one such as Qanik, an intelligent and headstrong beauty who could hold her own in any situation; females like that were a rare sight to behold. She was perfect.

He reached her in seconds and could not resist from pushing his muzzle into the soft fur of her neck. It smelled sweet there, almost like honey and rainwater. Couldn't he just stay there forever? Nestled in the soft bosom of the woman that he deeply cared for. Politics were politics....and what did they matter to the youthful hearts of two who didn't have much longer to use them?

He pulled away from her warm body then, rubbing his silver muzzle against her own ivory one, aiming his amber eyes at her sapphires. A warm smile was printed across his features. "I've been thinking of you..." He stated rather haphazardly. His eyes would not leave her face, concern tinting his amber gaze.

"Have your eyes healed properly? How is your vision? Can you see me alright?" He asked her in pure untainted concern. He had no poisonous motive to determine his actions, only the way that his mind led him, and it was always in good conscience. Could she have been thinking of him too? It seemed like it had been so long since the storm. He was pleased that she was up and walking again, looking stronger than ever.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]