
Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be



5 Years
03-20-2014, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2014, 08:21 PM by Newol.)

When that word fell from her maw, Newol was truly silenced. That word that graced his ear. That one word that he'd not heard in far too long. Now that he had something he'd been missing for all this time, he had this new desire to dig in and cling to it with all his might. Newol had a family. Newol had a family that he could see and feel and touch. He'd never been unhappy with his name as a Zaraidd. He'd never been displeased. But it had never been something he could touch. Just something he carried with him. That wasn't the case with this new name Adravendi. And something about that notion just broke something inside of him. It broke something inside of him that was age old and boxed up. Something he thought he'd outgrown and had whole heartedly believed he'd come to peace with. The need to belong somewhere. It shattered inside of him and went everywhere.

The brute had never been one to show weakness. It hadn't been one of his character traits. And so when he felt his eyes begin to grow moist, he found himself biting down hard. This was something he didn't do. Newol didn't cry. But that wasn't enough to stop it, it wasn't enough to put his walls back up around him. Taking a step forward, he pressed his forehead against Erani's shoulder as his eyes shut tight, every fiber in his being fighting to press back the emotions. To put his strong and non-faltering fortitude back up. It was not meant to be though. No, his body had already made up it's mind that it would have this moment. Finally, sitting down, he found his voice. Taking in a breath of the woman's scent to file it in his brain beside the word mother, before speaking. "Do you know how long it's been sense someone called me that?" It was the only thing he could manage to say. Finally arriving at the conclusion that he could not force the moment to end he had to simply just let the moment pass. And after a few moments, it finally did.

Taking a step back, he collected himself, shaking off the strange emotions that he didn't use very often. After giving himself a good shake, he brought his eyes up to meet with his new mother's. Her words caused him to think. All this meant that Erani was about to be a very busy woman, how she found time for that and her family, he had no idea. But then she questioned him. What did he want to learn? One topic in particular came to mind, but it was certainly a large request. One that would take time and effort on his teacher's part. He found his gaze falling to his paws again, finding himself pawing at the ground with one. He wasn't sure how to ask, so he finally just came out and said it. Bringing his gaze up to her again he spoke. "I want to know how to be a healer." He knew it was his new mother's trade, so it seemed a little of a childish want type of request. But Newol already knew how to hunt. And he could hold his own in a fight. This was something new. This was something else he could use, plus it would give him no shortage of something to put his mind to. It was a genuine request.