


03-27-2013, 12:54 PM

"I am Rayne, recently named a healer." Ironic that she should make a joke about rain to find it to be the name of the unknown female. And a healer! Soleil warmed to her company automatically. "A healer? As I am, though you probably can't tell by the look of me now."

?Rain is not always right, Soleil.? Erani broke into view and Soleil's ears went back as she approached. The sternness in her voice chastising the pale miss. Thinking back on it now, she was very surprised that Erani had not visited her previously. The head healer watched the pack with hawk eyes, especially after Guinevere's passing. Either Collision had thoroughly convinced the healer that she was doing better than she was or Erani had been paying far too little attention to the leaders.

"Well rain is not wrong, either." Soleil said in a muffled voice, eyes not meeting the other female's. Even though her rank was now above Erani's she still held a lot of respect for the wolf and could likely never be convinced to pull rank on her. ?How long?? Now Soleil's blue orbs flit to the healer's. "Weeks? A, maybe two?"

She sighed heavily. "I've looked after myself the best I can. That which ails me will not be put at bay by common medicine." She was mostly babbling, her voice breaking and coming back in but growing stronger as she talked more.

Suddenly a rush of grey broke through the watching females and skid to a stop before her. Soleon. Her ears pulled backward in alarm. The last thing she wanted was for him to get sick! "Couldn't find Da, ma!" He proclaimed, gifting her with a rock. His nose pressed to hers. Soleil still had yet to react. "Stinky," "Soleon," she was cut off. "Ma! You'sa gonna be better now, k?"

Soleil growled lightly at the pup though her tail wagged. Her mind told her to make him go away but her heart bursted with joy to see him. "You're not supposed to be here! You could get sick!" She scolded. Too weak to really force him away, her eyes jumped to Erani, begging her to do or say something.

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